
2022. 9. 15. 18:00개발자료/iOS



WKNavigation Delegate
메인 프레임 탐색의 진행 상황을 추적하고 결정하는 방법
  메인 프레임 및 서브프레임 탐색에 대한 정책
네비게이션 시작

# 콘텐츠가 메인 프레임에 도착하기 시작할 때 호출

/*! @abstract Invoked when content starts arriving for the main frame.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigation The navigation.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didCommitNavigation:(null_unspecified WKNavigation *)navigation;


# 메인 프레임 탐색이 시작될 때 호출

*! @abstract Invoked when a main frame navigation starts.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigation The navigation.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didStartProvisionalNavigation:(null_unspecified WKNavigation *)navigation;


서버 작업에 응답

# 콘텐츠가 메인 프레임에 도착하기 시작할 때 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when content starts arriving for the main frame.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigation The navigation.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didCommitNavigation:(null_unspecified WKNavigation *)navigation;

# 메인 프레임에 대한 서버 리디렉션이 수신될 때 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when a server redirect is received for the main
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigation The navigation.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation:(null_unspecified WKNavigation *)navigation;
오류에 반응

# 커밋된 메인 프레임 탐색 중에 오류가 발생할 때 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when an error occurs during a committed main frame
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigation The navigation.
 @param error The error that occurred.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFailNavigation:(null_unspecified WKNavigation *)navigation withError:(NSError *)error;


# 메인 프레임에 대한 데이터 로드를 시작하는 동안 오류가 발생하면 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when an error occurs while starting to load data for
 the main frame.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigation The navigation.
 @param error The error that occurred.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFailProvisionalNavigation:(null_unspecified WKNavigation *)navigation withError:(NSError *)error;
추적로드 진행률

# 메인 프레임 탐색이 완료되면 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when a main frame navigation completes.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigation The navigation.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFinishNavigation:(null_unspecified WKNavigation *)navigation;

# 웹뷰의 웹 콘텐츠 프로세스가 종료될 때 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when the web view's web content process is terminated.
 @param webView The web view whose underlying web content process was terminated.
- (void)webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate:(WKWebView *)webView API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11), ios(9.0));
네비게이션 허용

# 탐색 허용 여부를 결정합니다.

/*! @abstract Decides whether to allow or cancel a navigation.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigationAction Descriptive information about the action
 triggering the navigation request.
 @param preferences The default set of webpage preferences. This may be
 changed by setting defaultWebpagePreferences on WKWebViewConfiguration.
 @param decisionHandler The policy decision handler to call to allow or cancel
 the navigation. The arguments are one of the constants of the enumerated type
 WKNavigationActionPolicy, as well as an instance of WKWebpagePreferences.
 @discussion If you implement this method,
 -webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:decisionHandler: will not be called.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)navigationAction preferences:(WKWebpagePreferences *)preferences decisionHandler:(void (^)(WKNavigationActionPolicy, WKWebpagePreferences *))decisionHandler WK_SWIFT_ASYNC(4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));


# 응답이 알려진 후 탐색을 허용할지 취소할지 결정합니다.

/*! @abstract Decides whether to allow or cancel a navigation after its
 response is known.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param navigationResponse Descriptive information about the navigation
 @param decisionHandler The decision handler to call to allow or cancel the
 navigation. The argument is one of the constants of the enumerated type WKNavigationResponsePolicy.
 @discussion If you do not implement this method, the web view will allow the response, if the web view can show it.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView decidePolicyForNavigationResponse:(WKNavigationResponse *)navigationResponse decisionHandler:(void (^)(WKNavigationResponsePolicy))decisionHandler WK_SWIFT_ASYNC(3);
탐색 정책

# webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:decisionHandler: 메소드에서 의사결정 핸들러로 다시 전달하는 정책

/*! @enum WKNavigationActionPolicy
 @abstract The policy to pass back to the decision handler from the
 webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:decisionHandler: method.
 @constant WKNavigationActionPolicyCancel   Cancel the navigation.
 @constant WKNavigationActionPolicyAllow    Allow the navigation to continue.
 @constant WKNavigationActionPolicyDownload    Turn the navigation into a download.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, WKNavigationActionPolicy) {
    WKNavigationActionPolicyDownload API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.3), ios(14.5)),
} API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0));

# webView:decidePolicyForNavigationResponse:decisionHandler: 메소드에서 의사결정 핸들러로 다시 전달할 정책입니다.

/*! @enum WKNavigationResponsePolicy
 @abstract The policy to pass back to the decision handler from the webView:decidePolicyForNavigationResponse:decisionHandler: method.
 @constant WKNavigationResponsePolicyCancel   Cancel the navigation.
 @constant WKNavigationResponsePolicyAllow    Allow the navigation to continue.
 @constant WKNavigationResponsePolicyDownload    Turn the navigation into a download.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, WKNavigationResponsePolicy) {
    WKNavigationResponsePolicyDownload API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.3), ios(14.5)),
} API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0));
인스턴스 메소드

# 웹뷰가 인증 질문에 응답해야 할 때 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when the web view needs to respond to an authentication challenge.
 @param webView The web view that received the authentication challenge.
 @param challenge The authentication challenge.
 @param completionHandler The completion handler you must invoke to respond to the challenge. The
 disposition argument is one of the constants of the enumerated type
 NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition. When disposition is NSURLSessionAuthChallengeUseCredential,
 the credential argument is the credential to use, or nil to indicate continuing without a
 @discussion If you do not implement this method, the web view will respond to the authentication challenge with the NSURLSessionAuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace disposition.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition disposition, NSURLCredential * _Nullable credential))completionHandler WK_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(webView(_:respondTo:));


웹 페이지를 대신하여 기본 UI 표시
웹뷰 만들기

# 새 웹뷰를 만듭니다.

/*! @abstract Creates a new web view.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param configuration The configuration to use when creating the new web
 view. This configuration is a copy of webView.configuration.
 @param navigationAction The navigation action causing the new web view to
 be created.
 @param windowFeatures Window features requested by the webpage.
 @result A new web view or nil.
 @discussion The web view returned must be created with the specified configuration. WebKit will load the request in the returned web view.

 If you do not implement this method, the web view will cancel the navigation.
- (nullable WKWebView *)webView:(WKWebView *)webView createWebViewWithConfiguration:(WKWebViewConfiguration *)configuration forNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)navigationAction windowFeatures:(WKWindowFeatures *)windowFeatures;
패널 표시

# JavaScript 경고 패널을 표시합니다.

/*! @abstract Displays a JavaScript alert panel.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param message The message to display.
 @param frame Information about the frame whose JavaScript initiated this
 @param completionHandler The completion handler to call after the alert
 panel has been dismissed.
 @discussion For user security, your app should call attention to the fact
 that a specific website controls the content in this panel. A simple forumla
 for identifying the controlling website is frame.request.URL.host.
 The panel should have a single OK button.

 If you do not implement this method, the web view will behave as if the user selected the OK button.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message initiatedByFrame:(WKFrameInfo *)frame completionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler;

# JavaScript 확인 패널을 표시합니다.

/*! @abstract Displays a JavaScript confirm panel.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param message The message to display.
 @param frame Information about the frame whose JavaScript initiated this call.
 @param completionHandler The completion handler to call after the confirm
 panel has been dismissed. Pass YES if the user chose OK, NO if the user
 chose Cancel.
 @discussion For user security, your app should call attention to the fact
 that a specific website controls the content in this panel. A simple forumla
 for identifying the controlling website is frame.request.URL.host.
 The panel should have two buttons, such as OK and Cancel.

 If you do not implement this method, the web view will behave as if the user selected the Cancel button.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message initiatedByFrame:(WKFrameInfo *)frame completionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL result))completionHandler;

# JavaScript 텍스트 입력 패널을 표시합니다.

/*! @abstract Displays a JavaScript text input panel.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param prompt The prompt to display.
 @param defaultText The initial text to display in the text entry field.
 @param frame Information about the frame whose JavaScript initiated this call.
 @param completionHandler The completion handler to call after the text
 input panel has been dismissed. Pass the entered text if the user chose
 OK, otherwise nil.
 @discussion For user security, your app should call attention to the fact
 that a specific website controls the content in this panel. A simple forumla
 for identifying the controlling website is frame.request.URL.host.
 The panel should have two buttons, such as OK and Cancel, and a field in
 which to enter text.

 If you do not implement this method, the web view will behave as if the user selected the Cancel button.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt:(NSString *)prompt defaultText:(nullable NSString *)defaultText initiatedByFrame:(WKFrameInfo *)frame completionHandler:(void (^)(NSString * _Nullable result))completionHandler;

# DOM 창 개체의 close() 메서드가 성공적으로 완료되었음을 앱에 알립니다.

/*! @abstract Notifies your app that the DOM window object's close() method completed successfully.
  @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
  @discussion Your app should remove the web view from the view hierarchy and update
  the UI as needed, such as by closing the containing browser tab or window.
- (void)webViewDidClose:(WKWebView *)webView API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11), ios(9.0));

# 파일 업로드 패널을 표시합니다.

/*! @abstract Displays a file upload panel.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param parameters Parameters describing the file upload control.
 @param frame Information about the frame whose file upload control initiated this call.
 @param completionHandler The completion handler to call after open panel has been dismissed. Pass the selected URLs if the user chose OK, otherwise nil.

 If you do not implement this method, the web view will behave as if the user selected the Cancel button.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView runOpenPanelWithParameters:(WKOpenPanelParameters *)parameters initiatedByFrame:(WKFrameInfo *)frame completionHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<NSURL *> * _Nullable URLs))completionHandler API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.12));

# 앱이 주어진 요소가 미리보기를 표시해야 하는지 여부를 결정할 수 있도록 합니다.

/*! @abstract Allows your app to determine whether or not the given element should show a preview.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param elementInfo The elementInfo for the element the user has started touching.
 @discussion To disable previews entirely for the given element, return NO. Returning NO will prevent 
 webView:previewingViewControllerForElement:defaultActions: and webView:commitPreviewingViewController:
 from being invoked.
 This method will only be invoked for elements that have default preview in WebKit, which is
 limited to links. In the future, it could be invoked for additional elements.
- (BOOL)webView:(WKWebView *)webView shouldPreviewElement:(WKPreviewElementInfo *)elementInfo API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("webView:contextMenuConfigurationForElement:completionHandler:", ios(10.0, 13.0));

# 앱이 지정된 요소를 엿볼 때 표시할 사용자 지정 보기 컨트롤러를 제공할 수 있도록 합니다.

/*! @abstract Allows your app to provide a custom view controller to show when the given element is peeked.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param elementInfo The elementInfo for the element the user is peeking.
 @param defaultActions An array of the actions that WebKit would use as previewActionItems for this element by 
 default. These actions would be used if allowsLinkPreview is YES but these delegate methods have not been 
 implemented, or if this delegate method returns nil.
 @discussion Returning a view controller will result in that view controller being displayed as a peek preview.
 To use the defaultActions, your app is responsible for returning whichever of those actions it wants in your 
 view controller's implementation of -previewActionItems.
 Returning nil will result in WebKit's default preview behavior. webView:commitPreviewingViewController: will only be invoked
 if a non-nil view controller was returned.
- (nullable UIViewController *)webView:(WKWebView *)webView previewingViewControllerForElement:(WKPreviewElementInfo *)elementInfo defaultActions:(NSArray<id <WKPreviewActionItem>> *)previewActions API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("webView:contextMenuConfigurationForElement:completionHandler:", ios(10.0, 13.0));

# 앱이 생성한 보기 컨트롤러에 표시되도록 허용합니다.

/*! @abstract Allows your app to pop to the view controller it created.
 @param webView The web view invoking the delegate method.
 @param previewingViewController The view controller that is being popped.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView commitPreviewingViewController:(UIViewController *)previewingViewController API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("webView:contextMenuForElement:willCommitWithAnimator:", ios(10.0, 13.0));


JavaScript가 웹 보기에 메시지를 게시하는 방법을 제공합니다.
웹뷰와 연결된 사용자 콘텐츠 컨트롤러는 웹뷰 구성에 의해 지정됩니다.

# 스크립트 메시지 처리기를 추가합니다.

/*! @abstract Adds a script message handler.
 @param scriptMessageHandler The script message handler to add.
 @param contentWorld The WKContentWorld in which to add the script message handler.
 @param name The name of the message handler.
 @discussion Adding a script message handler adds a function
 window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage(<messageBody>) to all frames, available in the given WKContentWorld.

 The name argument must be a non-empty string.

 Each WKContentWorld can have any number of script message handlers, but only one per unique name.

 Once any script message handler has been added to a WKContentWorld for a given name, it is an error to add another
 script message handler to that WKContentWorld for that same name without first removing the previous script message handler.

 The above restriction applies to any type of script message handler - WKScriptMessageHandler and WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply
 objects will conflict with each other if you try to add them to the same WKContentWorld with the same name.
- (void)addScriptMessageHandler:(id <WKScriptMessageHandler>)scriptMessageHandler contentWorld:(WKContentWorld *)world name:(NSString *)name API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));

# 사용자 스크립트를 추가합니다.

/*! @abstract Adds a user script.
 @param userScript The user script to add.
- (void)addUserScript:(WKUserScript *)userScript;

# 연결된 모든 사용자 스크립트를 제거합니다.

/*! @abstract Removes all associated user scripts.
- (void)removeAllUserScripts;

# 스크립트 메시지 처리기를 제거합니다.

/*! @abstract Removes a script message handler.
 @param name The name of the message handler to remove.
 @param contentWorld The WKContentWorld from which to remove the script message handler.
- (void)removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:(NSString *)name contentWorld:(WKContentWorld *)contentWorld API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));


웹 페이지에서 보낸 메시지에 대한 정보가 포함되어 있습니다.

# 메시지 본문

/*! @abstract The body of the message.
 @discussion Allowed types are NSNumber, NSString, NSDate, NSArray,
 NSDictionary, and NSNull.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) id body;

# 메시지를 보내는 프레임

/*! @abstract The frame sending the message. */
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) WKFrameInfo *frameInfo;

# 메시지가 전송되는 메시지 처리기의 이름입니다.

/*! @abstract The name of the message handler to which the message is sent.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *name;


WKUserScript는 웹 페이지에 삽입할 수 있는 스크립트를 나타냅니다.

# WKUserContentController 에 추가할 수 있는 초기화된 사용자 스크립트를 반환합니다.

/*! @abstract Returns an initialized user script that can be added to a @link WKUserContentController @/link.
 @param source The script source.
 @param injectionTime When the script should be injected.
 @param forMainFrameOnly Whether the script should be injected into all frames or just the main frame.
 @discussion Calling this method is the same as calling `initWithSource:injectionTime:forMainFrameOnly:inContentWorld:` with a `contentWorld` value of `WKContentWorld.pageWorld`
- (instancetype)initWithSource:(NSString *)source injectionTime:(WKUserScriptInjectionTime)injectionTime forMainFrameOnly:(BOOL)forMainFrameOnly;

# 스크립트 소스 코드

/* @abstract The script source code. */
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *source;

# 스크립트를 주입해야 하는 타임

/* @abstract When the script should be injected. */
@property (nonatomic, readonly) WKUserScriptInjectionTime injectionTime;

# 스크립트를 모든 프레임에 삽입해야 하는지 아니면 메인 프레임에만 삽입해야 하는지 여부입니다.

/* @abstract Whether the script should be injected into all frames or just the main frame. */
@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isForMainFrameOnly) BOOL forMainFrameOnly;

# WKUserScriptInjectionTime

/*! @enum WKUserScriptInjectionTime
 @abstract when a user script should be injected into a webpage.
 @constant WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart    Inject the script after the document element has been created, but before any other content has been loaded.
 @constant WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd      Inject the script after the document has finished loading, but before any subresources may have finished loading.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, WKUserScriptInjectionTime) {
} API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0));


웹 페이지에서 실행되는 JavaScript로부터 메시지를 수신하는 방법을 제공합니다.

# 웹 페이지에서 스크립트 메시지를 수신할 때 호출됩니다.

/*! @abstract Invoked when a script message is received from a webpage.
 @param userContentController The user content controller invoking the
 delegate method.
 @param message The script message received.
- (void)userContentController:(WKUserContentController *)userContentController didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage *)message;

