[Swift-OpenSource] scalessec / Toast-Swift

2020. 11. 2. 14:50개발자료/iOS


# Basic Examples

// basic usage
self.view.makeToast("This is a piece of toast")

// toast with a specific duration and position
self.view.makeToast("This is a piece of toast", duration: 3.0, position: .top)

// toast presented with multiple options and with a completion closure
self.view.makeToast("This is a piece of toast", duration: 2.0, point: CGPoint(x: 110.0, y: 110.0), title: "Toast Title", image: UIImage(named: "toast.png")) { didTap in
    if didTap {
        print("completion from tap")
    } else {
        print("completion without tap")

// display toast with an activity spinner

// display any view as toast

// immediately hides all toast views in self.view

# But wait, there's more!

// create a new style
var style = ToastStyle()

// this is just one of many style options
style.messageColor = .blue

// present the toast with the new style
self.view.makeToast("This is a piece of toast", duration: 3.0, position: .bottom, style: style)

// or perhaps you want to use this style for all toasts going forward?
// just set the shared style and there's no need to provide the style again
ToastManager.shared.style = style
self.view.makeToast("This is a piece of toast") // now uses the shared style

// toggle "tap to dismiss" functionality
ToastManager.shared.isTapToDismissEnabled = true

// toggle queueing behavior
ToastManager.shared.isQueueEnabled = true





A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class. - scalessec/Toast-Swift


